
Friday, 23 October 2020

Weekly Reflection

My weekly reflection

Something I enjoyed this week was doing our letter to the Tai Tokerau Land Court. This is a link to the blog post.

One success I had this week was finishing task 34 which was a maths task we had to do which was pretty hard

Something that was challenging this week was completing my feelings wheel because it was hard to think of what to draw in each emotion.

One thing I have learnt this week was how to make a box and whiskers graph which was fun and easy even though it was a level 5 maths task.

Something that I am looking forward to next week is going down to do mathletics and year 8 orientation.

One way I have shown aroha is helping and taking care of people when they need and want it.

Dear Tai Tokerau Land Court

 One of our literacy tasks this week we had to write a letter to the Tai Tokerau Land Court because we readed a book about a old man getting kicked off his island and his nephew had to write letters and go to court for him. When we were writing the letter we had to make it like we were the nephew.

Here is my letter I hope you like it.

20th of October 2020

Federal Government Office

85 Cameron Street


Dear Tai Tokerau Land Court,

I am the nephew of Paratene Te Manu and I am writing on the behalf of him. I have heard that you want my Uncle to move off Hauturu. I am here to tell you why he should stay. He has lived there all his life and hasn't lived anywhere else. It would take him a long time to adjust to a different lifestyle. He will be a lot more disorientated because of his old age. He also has never worked to earn money. He is very old so he will have no experience and will not be able to support himself. As you know, he is an old man. At Hauturu he is as safe as he can be from viruses and illness. But if you take him away from Hauturu, he is way more exposed to illness and viruses. Also, because of his old age, he is way more forgetful but because he has lived on Hauturu for all of his life he knows Hauturu like the back of his hand. If you take him to a new environment, he wouldn’t know or remember where anything is and he will be very conversed and possibly paranoid most of the time which would not be a good thing at his age. I hope this letter will change your mind and that my Uncle Paratene Te Manu deserves to stay at Hauturu and live free.

Yours faithfully,

The nephew of Paratene Te Manu

Maths Kahoot

 This week for one of our maths tasks we had to do a kahoot. We had to do a minimum of 8 questions. I did 15, the maths task we did was about certain, likely, unlikely or impossible.

This is a link to my kahoot if you want to play it. 

I hoped you liked it and the questions were interesting and  you also learnt something.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Weekly Reflection

 This is my weekly reflection

Something that I have enjoyed this week was the Te Reo task we had to do this week. We looked at a slide that told you what and where all the parts of a marae are, we then got a sheet that had blank spaces where the parts were. We then had to full out the spaces with the maori names.

One success I had this week was finally finishing my holiday recount. Because it took a while to find what to write about.

Something I found challenging this week was our maths knowledge check because it had some questions that we haven't looked at yet.

One thing I have learned this week was what types of art are eg: Dance, Painting, Music and Drama/films.

Something I am looking forward to next week is relaxing on the weekends and playing on my ps4

One way I have shown Aroha was helping people when they asked for it and helping people who need it when they need it.


 For one of our steam tasks this week we had to complete a slide about different types of arts and write a definition about them.

This is how my slide turned out I hope you like it.


 This week for our CyberSmart task we had to complete a slide about media. On one of the slides you had to write the definition of Online Media, Print Media and Broadcasting Media.

This is how my one turned out I hope you like it.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

The Biggest Surprise of my Life!

 This week for one of our writing tasks we had to do a recount on our holidays. We had to make sure it was a year 7 and 8 level of writing so tell me what you think

The Biggest Surprise of my Life!

Saturday, the first day of holidays, the time to sleep in and go on my ps4 all day but this time this didn't happen to me. I was sleeping and relaxing until I heard my mum come into my room and tell me to get up. It was 5:00am, I then noticed that my mum would never wake up at this time but I got up anyway. My mum then told me if I wanted to go on the ps4 anytime on Saturday it had to be then. This is where I got really confused until I remembered that we were driving down to my dad’s house. That was the time that I started to realise that this was not going to be a good holiday. The rest of the day was very boring. Honestly, the whole time down there was very boring, but there was one bit of being down there which was fun and that was finally meeting my nephew!

My nephew was eight weeks old when I saw him. His name is Bailey and he is really cute, I got to hold him for a bit until he started to cry for his mum. My sister then had to calm him down and feed him. 

This is my favorite part of my life currently. THey came over to watch a movie with us but we didn't think He would watch Mission Impossible with us as well. What was funny was, while my sister was holding him he looked really interested in the movie, as if he was watching himself in the movie. He also started to cry as the main character was on the edge of death which was kind of weird.

All the rest of the time down there was very boring, When we drove back up to my house I had Blake over for the night. Blake and I played lots of video games and went to the lake with my brother and my cousin, after the lake we had some ice cream which was really yum. In the morning we played some more video games and played on my tramp.

Once Blake had gone I had to go to my grandads house for the rest of the week till friday because my mum had to work. All Liam and I did at my grandad's house was watch youtube because my grandad doesn't really have anything to do at his house.

On friday I got to go to Alex’s house for a sleepover. When we got to his house we played some Rainbow Six Siege and Among Us. At night we played heaps of Among Us and watched a movie till 1:00AM, We then slept for five hours then played some more Rainbow Six Siege.

Thanks for reading it I hope you like it