
Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Blog Post Analysis

 This week for one of our maths tasks we had to make a blog post analysis, This meant we had to look at how many posts we had done over the years we posted and how many posts I did in every month. We then had to highlight it all and make a column chart, then we had to customize the chart. After we did this we had to put it into a google drawing and then we had to find out what was the average for each month. Once we had done that we had to name three things that we saw in the chart, we then wrote our analysis for it.

This is how my google draw turned out I hope you like it.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Venerable Frayer Model

 This week for our 2nd RE task we had to make a frayer model on Venerable. I did my one on a google drawings. We had to do what is the definition of Venerable, an image of Venerable, an example of Venerable and a non-example of Venerable.

This is how my one turned ot I hope you like it.

Suzanne Aubert

 This week for one of our RE tasks we had to watch a video about Suzanne Aubert and write down 10 facts about her. We then had to put it on a DLO and post it onto our blog. I did my one on a slide.

This is how it turned out I hope you like it.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Social Justice Week

 This week for our RE task we had to do a social justice slides and complete 3 the tasks on it. I did the scriptures, definition and the timeline. With scriptures you had to choose 2 and summarise them. With the definition task we had o do a frayer model on social justice and with the timeline we had to make a timeline show all the major events in our life.

Here is my slide I hope you like it.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

The Real Friends

 This week for one of our Literacy tasks we had to complete a slide about Poetry. We first had look a 4 videos and choose one. I chose one called friends. On the slides we had to complete all the tasks on it. On one slide we had to see if it had Stanza, Rhymes, Rhythm, Tone, Imagery and Figurative Language. Stanza is a group of lines or a paragraph, Rhymes are how to words sound the same, Rhythm is the rhythm of the poem, Tone is the tone of the poem, Imagery is the message in the poem and Figurative Language is Language Features

Here is how my one turned out I hope you like it...

Friday, 4 September 2020

End of week Reflection

 Something I enjoyed this week was seeing Ruba again and how much she has grown since the last tim and how much fun she is.

One success I had this week was completing my around the world slides because it was hard to find things to do, eat, stay and flights with only $12,000, Here is the link to the post

One challenge I have had this week was doing me learning because we had a lot of substitute teachers and we had filming to do as well.

One thing I have learned this week is that $12,000 is not a lot of money when you are traveling the world and visiting places.

Something I am looking forward to next week is relaxing and not having to do anything.

One way I have shown Pono this week was helping people and making sure I tell the truth.

The holiday of a lifetime!

 This week for one of our tasks we had to finish all the slides. We had to go somewhere out of the country fro 5-12 days with 2 people and a budget of $12,000. I went to Fiji, then Samoa and Vanuatu.

Here is my slide I hope you like it.